Spring Literature Festival: Cultural Confluences

Various Speakers

Date: 7 March 2015Time: 10:00 AM

Finishes: 7 March 2015Time: 8:00 PM

Venue: Brunei GalleryRoom: B102

Type of Event: Festival

Series: Muslims, Trust and Cultural Dialogue

Registration: https://www.soas.ac.uk/csp/muslimstrustdialogue


Culture is one of the most complex and contested words in the dictionary. With meanings encompassing both artistic endeavour and the broader fabric of everyday life, culture has recently been a site of conflict; it has been elevated to a definitive marker of  identity by some, while cultural difference has been cited by others as the main source of dissension and conflict in the world today.This one-day literary festival brings together writers from a number of cultural background, all of whom have interrogated in their work the nature of culture and intercultural experience. As well as forming their subject matter, culture envelops the processes by which their work is circulated and consumed. Their experience as creators of culture also gives them a unique insight into the processes and pitfalls of producing literary art in the modern world.
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